Monday, September 8, 2008

I'm irritated right now, sue me...

I'm giving my personal email permission to post on my blogs. Why? Because I can, and I'm irritated that I have to sign in and out of my own computer to post one stupid post!

Ehem... anyway, I'd better tell people this as well. To give someone permission to post to your blog, you need to do it in the Dashboard. I'll give examples along the way. For example, if I want Charlotte to post on my blog, I would go to my Dashboard and hit "Settings" under the blog I desire for her to post on. Lets give her permission on this one. You would go to the "Permissions" tab under the Settings bar. There should be "give so-and-so permission to post on this blog". Just type your desired email in that section and Blogger will ask the desired person if they would agree to post. Example, I wanted my personal email to post on my school blog (which is using a different email), so I gave it permission to post. Although I cant do anything fancy other than post, it at least is an improvement.

There, a simple tutorial for multiple people posting. I'm going to go snack on some food for a bit...

1 comment:

Ms. Charlotte said...

Perfect! Although I don't want you to be irritated. I'm using a non-work email for my own blog, feel free to do the same :)